From Here Onwards

Hermes - was the god of translators and interpreters.

Starting things off nice and easy - It’s just going to be a why I started this blog and what was the driving factor that drove me to finally kick start this blog. 

The idea of starting a blog was one that I was really fond of since I was 10, having a platform to voice, share my thoughts ,give advice to a larger audience and have them give back as well. One doesn’t really know how to start a blog and set it out exactly how they want it to the T at the prime age of 10 - so I knew I had to wait a while longer before I started the blog. I thought I’d wait until I was 13 because ‘yay you’re finally a teenager, you can do all these amazing things’. But for some of us, turning 13 wasn’t as rainbows and sunshine as I thought it would be. 

Fast forward to 17 and here I am. 

The logistics and planning behind it could’ve been better but that’s the point of this blog; to grow and learn.  

This isn’t going to be a blog consisting of me spilling my heart out on your screens but instead I decided to combine things that I’ve wanted to do and get involved with. There will be infographics posted- instagram and here, educational essays, creative writing essays, short stories, current news going around, questions and answers from readers and hopefully video essays supplied from readers and ones found online.

Lastly, I'd like to say welcome. And I hope you damn well enjoy!!!


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